Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Halloween Redux

Edie had two ideas for Halloween, the high holy day for a permaprincess like herself. The first idea was "ghost box". What's a ghost box, you ask? An undead package, as pictured here:

Go towards the light, Zappos box!

Her other idea required much less explanation - "waitress" - what every young girl aspires to be. 

Blinked. There goes November.

Friday, November 5, 2010


This is a "tie" she wore to a doctor visit this week (read: special occasion), really just a scarf I crocheted for Elmo last winter. (He was cold.)

I'm concerned about these poses and think that maybe our little talk about Jesus after a visit to the National Gallery last week may have given Edie the wrong impression about what we expect of her.